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This is the official web site of Erasmus+ Capacity building in Higher Education project, entitled:

Soil Erosion and TOrrential Flood prevention: curriculum development at the universities of Western Balkan countries (SETOF)

Project No. 598403-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

About project

Land degradation, especially physical degradation, with soil erosion as the most common degradation process, is a significant problem for the conservation of resources and has a large
negative effect. One of the consequences of soil erosion is the occurrence of torrential floods. The floods that occurred in the last time, again point to the need to improve the education of
professionals who will enable better prevention of torrential floods …

Soil Erosion

Land degradation, especially physical degradation with soil erosion as the most common degradation process, that represents a significant problem for the conservation of resources and has a large negative effect. One of the consequences of soil erosion is the occurrence of flash floods.


Comparing to large river floods, torrential floods occur suddenly, for a couple of hours after the rains of high intensity and therefore the defence against torrential floods is much more complex than in the case of large rivers.


A successful defence against torrential floods is being carried out by undertaking preventive works and measures on the principles of integrated watershed management (technical, biological, biotechnical and agrotechnical work, administrative measures, etc.).


Development of the new master programme and improvement of the existing curriculum of undergraduate and master study programmes wll ensure that graduates who have received erosion and torrential protection education will have the same level of knowledge as the graduates in EU countries.